
Tokenomics & Whitepaper

Introduction: Accelerating dePIN Adoption with dePioneers NFT

The dePioneers project ventures into the intersection of art, technology, and crypto value. Imagine a whimsical blend of digital collectibles, and decentralized infrastructure, with a dash of stargazing, feline flair.

Table of Contents

1. Project Vision

At its core, dePioneers seeks to revolutionize the way we engage with decentralized physical infrastructure (dePIN) projects. Here's the mission in a nutshell:

  1. Liquidity for dePIN: By creating a bridge between the digital and the physical, dePioneers aims to inject liquidity into dePIN initiatives. These projects, often the unsung heroes of the blockchain world, now have a vibrant cadre of dePioneers to power and guide their efforts.
  2. Simplicity for the Bullish: For those diamond hands riding the dePIN bull, dePioneers offers a streamlined solution. Instead of juggling multiple tokens, navigating intricate systems, and deciphering Byzantine smart contracts, DePioneers hybrid NFT offers a cosmic fusion of art and utility.

The Hybrid NFT: A Cosmic Cat Adventure

Picture this: a visually powerful NFT — a clawsome space cowboy cat, perhaps, behind which lies a universe of practical utility. Let's break it down:

  1. Two SOL Tokens, One Cosmic NFT: To mint a dePioneers NFT, you'll need two Solana tokens. These celestial coins unlock our hybrid NFT. But it's more than just a pretty picture; it's a gateway to the dePIN world.
  2. Locked-in dePIN Tokens: Within the pixels of the NFT lie dePIN tokens, giving you a stake in real-world infrastructure. Think people centric networks, solar panels on the blockchain and democratized AI training.
  3. Choose Your Adventure:

    • Hold It: Cling on to your NFT like a cosmic talisman. As you do, accrue DAO benefits—because even cosmic adventurers need governance rights.
    • Sell It: Trade it on secondary markets. Watch your cosmic cat roam free, where it will now get fed by someone else on the blockchain.
    • Redeem It: Sacrifice the cat (metaphorically, of course). Say goodbye to the cute image, but reclaim the underlying tokens. A 10% fee ensures the cosmic balance.
  4. Royalties and Value: As the cosmic cat travels the blockchain it accumulates royalties. These fees are generated each time an NFT is sold and are split between NFT holders and creators, swirling into the underlying token pool. Over time, the NFT's value orbits higher, like a comet with a purpose. Each time additional value is locked into the underlying pool, the logical value of each NFT increases, representing, as it does, a share of these underlying tokens.
  5. DAO Constellations: As the NFT holder, you can participate in the power of the DAO. Your voice echoes through the blockchain, as you vVote on which dePIN projects to support, like a cosmic council shaping the universe.

Pioneering The Future

In the vast expanse of crypto, dePioneers emerges—a beacon for those who seek both artful wonder and tangible impact. So, fasten your space boots, grab your laser brush, and let's pioneer the future—one NFT at a time.

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2. Project Overview: Empowering dePIN with Solana

The Rise of dePIN: Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks

In the vast expanse of blockchain innovation, a new star arises: Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (dePINs). These networks weave together the ethereal threads of blockchain technology with the tangible assets of our physical world.

Why dePIN Matters

  1. Democratizing Data and the Internet:
    • DePINs break down the walls of centralized control. They empower individuals and communities, and even interstellar travelers (okay, maybe not the last one, yet) to participate in building and maintaining essential infrastructure.
    • Imagine a world where data flows freely, unshackled from corporate silos. DePINs promise to democratize access to Wi-Fi, energy grids, transportation systems, and more. No more gatekeepers; just open highways of information.
    • AI is reshaping the digital world. Right now it's locked away behind the walls of a handful of modern day fiefdoms. DePIN projects promise to set this data free, allowing everyone to access and participate in an AI future.
  2. The Next Billion Blockchain Pioneers:
    • DePINs aren't just for the crypto elite. They beckon to the next billion souls yearning to participate in the blockchain revolution. By integrating real-world infrastructure with decentralized networks, dePINs invite everyone to the cosmic party.
    • Picture a farmer in a remote village, minting NFTs representing solar-powered water pumps. Or a city dweller trading energy surplus with their neighbor via smart contracts. DePINs make all of this possible.
  3. Reshaping Industries, One Block at a Time:
    • DePINs extend their celestial influence across sectors:
      • Energy: Picture peer-to-peer energy trading, where solar panels and wind turbines join the blockchain.
      • Supply Chains: Where immutable records of product provenance can ensure authenticity from factory to doorstep.
      • Telecoms: Where decentralized networks can defy censorship and reward honest participation.
      • Geography: Using car-sharing as a protocol, where drivers and co-create the future of maps by sharing their dashcams.
      • AI: Using a fleet of devices, DePINs can ingest, collate, and collect the data necessary to train censorship resistant AIs for the people.

Why Solana Shines Bright in the dePIN Constellation

  1. Scalability and Low Gas Fees:
    • Solana is the cosmic engine that propels dePINs forward. Its architecture handles warp-speed transactions with minimal gas fees. Imagine a highway made of fast lanes—quick, efficient, and accessible to all.
    • DePIN projects ride this cosmic highway, capitalizing on Solana's flexibility and scalability. Parallelization and localized fee markets ensure robustness, making Solana an ideal choice for decentralized infrastructure.
  2. State Compression and Real-World Hardware:
    • Solana's state compression technology reduces the cost of minting non-fungible tokens (NFTs) representing real-world savings.
    • Think NFTs that can impact AI training, wind turbines, electric vehicle charging stations, people centric networks and solar-paneled homes. Solana makes it all possible.
  3. DAOs and Cosmic Governance:
    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) orbit the dePIN ecosystem. They're like cosmic councils, allowing stakeholders to steer the ship. Together, they decide which which solar systems to power, and which cat memes to immortalize.
    • Solana's strong developer community fuels this cosmic governance. Rust, the language of the stars, powers Solana's smart contracts.

A Cosmic Odyssey

As we venture deeper into the dePIN universe, remember we're not just building infrastructure, we're helping to shape the future of crypto. So, let's stake our SOL tokens, mint our NFTs, and ride along with the cosmic cat into the future..

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3. Token Structure

DePioneers NFTs blaze a trail across the blockchain frontier. Buckle up, fellow crypto enthusiasts, as we delve into the celestial mechanics of our token structure.

The Binary Stars: SOL Tokens and dePIN Tokens

  1. SOL Tokens: SOL Tokens fuel the dePioneers ecosystem like cosmic dust. These digital gems are the currency of choice for acquiring our otherworldly NFTs. When you purchase a dePioneers NFT, you're essentially hitching a ride on a comet, propelled by the SOL Tokens you provide. These tokens propel you into the interstellar art gallery, where beautiful NFTs await you, as well as provide the initial value which is locked inside your NFT.
  2. dePIN Tokens: dePIN Tokens are the gravitational anchors that tether our NFTs to reality. These tokens represent ownership in our decentralized physical infrastructure projects. Each dePioneers NFT contains at least 2 SOL worth of dePIN Tokens, securely nestled within its digital fibers.

The Cosmic Lockbox: Ensuring Intrinsic Value

  1. The Pool of Underlying Tokens: Within each dePioneers NFT lies a pool of underlying tokens. This pool is the gravitational center, where SOL Tokens and dePIN Tokens intermingle like binary stars. For every NFT minted, a share of this pool is allocated, ensuring that each NFT contains a slice of our shared treasury. When the dePioneers NFTs are first minted, at least one of the two SOL locked for each token will be used to acquire a range of dePIN tokens to seed the underlying pool. Over time, the remaining SOL can be used to support exciting new projects, or to provide liquidity for the existing tokens in the pool.
  2. Staking and Stellar Rewards: NFT holders become active participants in this cosmic economy, with the option to stake their tokens, aligning their trajectory with the project's future. By doing so, they earn stellar rewards—additional SOL Tokens and dePIN Tokens—like cosmic dividends. These rewards are deposited back into the pool, enriching the collective cosmic wealth. Just as a bright star pulls the surrounding universe into its orbit, dePioneers large value pool will allow it to negotiate the best deals and receive the highest rewards from DePIN projects, all of which will aggregate into the underlying token pool, increasing the value of each dePioneers NFT over time.
  3. The 1% Celestial Toll: Every cosmic voyage has its toll to pay, and ours is no exception. The project creators — our celestial architects — levy a modest 1% fee from the pool's earnings. This fee fuels future innovation, ensuring that dePioneers continue to explore uncharted realms. The remaining bounty is returned to the underlying token pool and belongs to the holders—the pioneers who steer our starships.

DePioneers: Powering the Future of NFTs

In the vast expanse of the metaverse, dePioneers NFTs are more than pixels; they're cosmic artifacts infused with SOL Tokens and dePIN Tokens. Remember, you're not just an NFT collector; you're a celestial voyager, charting constellations and leaving pawprints on the fabric of the blockchain.

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4. NFT Lifecycle and Options

The Cosmic Dance: Life cycle of a dePioneers NFT

  1. Creation - Minting the NFT: The birth of a dePioneers NFT is a fusion of SOL and dePIN tokens. When their forces align, a new NFT is minted from the primordial blockchain soup. It's a moment of creation, where each NFT becomes a unique artifact in our interstellar gallery. During the minting process a total of two SOL are locked into the pool, and a furry friend emerges representing your share of our underlying token pool.
  2. Holding - Guardians of the Galactic Artifacts: Once minted, NFTs find their way into the hands of participants, who choose their path: display their NFTs in digital frames, wield them as cosmic talismans, or simply bask in their otherworldly glow. Over time, holding is the only logical option, as the rewards which the underlying pool generates will tend to increase the intrinsic value of each dePioneers NFT over time.
  3. Selling - Trading Among the Stars: The secondary market beckons to you like distant galaxies. NFTs traverse these cosmic bazaars, letting crypto spacefarers trade. But trading a dePioneers NFT should be easy, as they represent a share of an increasing pool of underlying tokens.
  4. Redemption - Unraveling the Cosmic Knot: If you seek to unravel the cosmic thread, fear not, redemption awaits. NFT holders can reclaim the underlying tokens—the SOL and dePIN tokens locked within their NFTs. It's a return to the pool of origin, where the NFT dissolves, leaving behind but a trace of cosmic memory, and spewing forth the tokens locked inside.
  5. Reminting - The Cosmic Cycle Continues: Just as creation follows destruction in the cosmic dance, the chance of reminting remains. Once an NFT has been redeemed it becomes eligible for anyone to remint by putting the pro-rata share of tokens into the underlying pool, along with a 5% fee that goes into the pool rewarding all the remaining holders, and restoring a cool cat back to the cosmos.

The Celestial Toll: The 10% Redemption Fee

  1. The Cosmic Balance: But what prevents careless and speculative redemption of the dePioneers NFTS you may wonder? Here lies the secret: the 10% redemption fee. When you redeem your NFT, 10% of its value is absorbed back into the pool; a tribute to the remaining NFT holders that serves a higher purpose in the ecosystem by encouraging holding and ensuring that dePioneers NFTs are only redeemed in the case of severe liquidity shortages.
  2. The Stellar Alchemy: The fee tokens don't vanish into the void. Instead, they remain in the underlying pool, swirling like cosmic eddies. As more NFTs are redeemed, more tokens accumulate, and the value of all remaining NFTs ascends—a rising tide that lifts every starship. Thus, even if a liquidity crunch prompts the redemption of some NFTs, the agglomeration of tokens in the pool will quickly restore balance and incentivize trading rather than redemption.
  3. The Cool Space Cowboy Cat: And let's not forget our intrepid space cowboy cats. Each NFT embodies their spirit of adventure. We know you wouldn't want your cosmic feline to be unraveled, so the market will stabilize at a price equal to or greater than the underlying tokens. Secure in the high floor value, the cats continue to roam the crypto astral plains.

The Cosmic Cycle

In the grand cosmic tapestry, dePioneers NFTs are more than collectibles; they're an easy and collective way to support decentralized physical infrastructure and an opportunity to get a cool cat, too. Whether you hold, trade, or redeem, remember: you're a starship captain, navigating the vastness of crypto.

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5. Royalty Mechanism

In the world of dePioneers, the royalty fee acts as a celestial pact between creators and holders. Let us unveil the cosmic mechanics behind this ethereal arrangement.

The Stellar Split: Creator and Holder Shares

  1. NFT Holders - Guardians of the Galactic Treasury: When a dePioneers NFT changes hands, the transaction is recorded on the ledger. Within this transaction lies the royalty fee, a small cut of the revenue, fixed in the firmament at 5%. Picture it as stardust sprinkled to power the NFT's journey. NFT holders, like celestial custodians, receive a portion of this fee. It's their cosmic kickback—an ongoing reward for their stewardship.
  2. NFT Creator - The Cosmic Alchemist: But what of the original cosmic architects who gave birth to these pixelated wonders? Fear not, for they too benefit from their creation. As NFTs change hands, Their creators keep half of the royalty fees to incentivize future innovation.

The Nebula of Community Participation

  1. A Shared Constellation: The 50-50 split isn't by accident; it's of celestial design. By rewarding both creators and holders, we foster a vibrant community where creators mingle with collectors. The royalty fee becomes a gravitational force, pulling them together. Creators are rewarded, holders share in that reward, and the project thrives.
  2. The Long-Term Constellation Now, a cosmic twist that encourages long-term holding - the 10% redemption fee. This fee enriches the underlying tokens and rewards the long-term guardians of the firmament. The entirety of the 10% redemption fee remains in the underlying pool, solely benefitting the NFT's custodians.

dePioneers: A Shared Destiny

In the world of dePioneers, the royalty mechanism isn't just about Solana or dePIN tokens; it's about shared destiny. Creators and holders, bound together by digital stardust, propel our project forward. So, fellow voyagers, embrace the cosmic dance, honor the 50-50 royalty split, enjoy the 10% redemption rewards and let our NFTs twirl among the constellations.

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6. DAO Goverance

The Cosmic Council: NFT Holders' Rights

In the celestial halls of dePioneers, NFT holders don't merely hold their precious art; they wield cosmic scepters. Behold the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) — a starlit assembly where decisions echo across the cryptoverse.

  1. Voting Power: As NFT holders you light our path. Your SOL and dePIN tokens grant you a voice - voting power in the cosmic council. When it comes to underlying token investments, your ballots can disrupt the very fabric of crypto. Should we explore new constellations or invest in existing ventures? The choice is yours.
  2. Community Governance: But our DAO isn't ruled over by cosmic overlords, it's a community-driven starship. As the daring pioneers, you shape our trajectory. Through community governance, you propose, debate, and decide. Want to launch a dePIN project on Mars, or fund an interdimensional art installation? The DAO listens, adjusts its course, and sets sail. To begin with we have already reached pacts with Helium, WEN, UpRock, KOII and Synesis. In the future, the DAO will help set our path forward.

The Cosmic Charter

Our creators envision a DAO that transcends mere pixels. As the cosmic charter declares: “Let the cool space cowboy cats guide us, but let the community steer.” Together, we can build a DAO that supports dePIN projects, current and future. So, vote wisely, and watch our new metaverse unfold.

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7. Economic Model

Value: Cosmic Scarcity

Scarcity is the bedrock of NFT value. Just as a rarely-seen comet streaking across the sky may captivate stargazers, limited NFT supply ensures their value. dePioneers embraces this principle by controlling the issuance of NFTs. The celestial cats are finite, with each NFT representing a unique cosmic feline. As collectors seek to own a piece of this interstellar saga, scarcity naturally amplifies their allure.

Utility: Unleashing the dePIN Power

dePioneers NFTs transcend digital art. Locked within each NFT lies a cache of decentralized physical infrastructure (dePIN) tokens. These tokens are the cosmic building blocks, representing real-world assets. Picture your space cowboy cat NFT not only gracing your digital gallery but also anchoring itself to physical infrastructure. The utility of dePIN tokens bridges the virtual and material realms, making dePioneers NFTs your deeds to cosmic property.

Staking Rewards: A Stellar Opportunity

The underlying SOL tokens, securely ensconced within dePioneers NFTs, may be eligible for staking rewards—a celestial dividend for holders. As the ecosystem evolves, staking SOL contributes to the project's vitality. These rewards accumulate over time meaning your NFT not only guards its dePIN tokens but also accrues staking rewards, enhancing its value.

So, dePioneers NFTs are more than pixels on a screen; they're cosmic artifacts, scarce and imbued with utility. As the space cowboy cats roam the blockchain frontier, their staking rewards echo across the cosmos. Choose wisely, for the stars await those who hold the keys to both the digital and physical web.

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8. Pre-sale and Minting

Reserving Cosmic Real Estate

Before the floodgates open, allowing anyone to mint an dePioneer, we have designed a progressive and rewarding pre-sale process. The dePioneers presale is a chance to stake a claim on a distant asteroid. Here's how it works:

  1. Presale Reservation: Participants can reserve these celestial lands by locking just 1 SOL of the total price. This down payment ensures a coveted spot in the NFT minting queue. Think of it as securing a launch pad for your space cowboy cat NFT.
  2. Smart Contract Vigilance: Our smart contract acts as the cosmic gatekeeper. It prevents overzealous stargazers from overcrowding the launchpad. If you lock in your SOL, congratulations—you've secured your boarding pass to the interstellar gallery.
  3. Early Bird Discounts: As cosmic pioneers, early locks come with perks. We've divided the presale into four groups, each with unique advantages for would-be collectors:
    • Group 1: Pioneers who lock 1 SOL at the outset are the trailblazers, the ones who ride solar winds with unwavering resolve. They receive a 100% discount on the minting fee and pay a total of 1 SOL on mint day; their total price for a dePioneer NFT is 2 SOL.
    • Group 2: For those who join slightly later, still lock just 1 SOL at the outset. They're the cosmic cowhands, still swift but with a touch of wanderlust. They receive a 75% discount on the minting fee and pay just 1.25 SOL on mint day (1 SOL for the underlying pool and 0.25 in minting fees); their total price for a dePioneer NFT is 2.25 SOL.
    • Group 3: Next are the cosmic dreamers, gazing beyond the event horizon, locking 1 SOL at the outset. They receive a 50% discount on minting fees and pay 1.5 SOL on mint day (1 SOL for the underlying pool and 0.5 in minting fees); their total price for a dePioneer NFT is 2.5 SOL.
    • Group 4: The last of the pioneers have heard the cosmic cat's meow locking 1 SOL in the presale. They are rewarded with a 25% discount on minting fees and pay 1.75 SOL on mint day (1 SOL for the underlying pool and 0.75 in minting fees); their total price for a dePioneer NFT is 2.75.
    • Mint Day Sale: If any of the 10,000 NFTs remain at the end of the pre-sale, then after each of our earliest dePioneers spots, the remainder will be available in a public mint, where buyers will pay 3 SOL to stake their claim; 2 for the underlying pool and 1 in minting fees.
  4. Referral Rewards: You doubtless know other intrepid pioneers who want to participate, so you can share your specific link. For each new pioneer who joins following your link, you'll receive a reward of 0.05 SOL, up to the maximum mint-day price. This means that if as few as 20 additional pioneers heed your call, you won't owe anything on mint day (other than Solana transaction fees).
  5. Cosmic Commitment: Once you lock into the blockchain, there's no turning back. No backsies, no wormholes to escape through. You've tethered your SOL to the cosmic mast. But fear not, your cosmic journey awaits.
  6. Abandonment Clause: Yet, the cosmos is friendly. If demand surges and others yearn to mint, you can abandon your position. You may choose to surrender your place in the pre-sale. Should another traveler desire to take your place, your initial 1 SOL lock will be returned to you, but you'll be giving up a new feline friend and any referral rewards.

Our presale mechanism is a balance between commitment and opportunity. As the countdown to minting ticks away, remember: the stars favor those who dare to commit their SOL to the cosmic frontier.

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9. dePioneers Tokens: Charting Cosmic Frontiers

As we bid farewell to this celestial voyage through dePioneers' tokenomics, let us gather our cosmic thoughts and reflect upon the tapestry we've woven.

The Cosmic Equation

The dePioneers' tokenomics model orbits around three cosmic constants:

  1. Scarcity: Our NFTs are rare and captivating like a neutron star. Each space cowboy cat NFT represents a cosmic feline - an irreplaceable piece of the interstellar saga.
  2. Utility: Beyond the digital canvas, the utility is clear. The dePIN tokens within each NFT anchor to real-world assets. These tokens bridge the gap between the virtual and the tangible.
  3. Staking Rewards: The SOL tokens locked within our NFTs are stardust waiting to ignite. As the cosmic ecosystem evolves, staking rewards accumulate - a celestial dividend for those who hold the keys to both realms.

The Cosmic Frontier

But dePioneers is more than a cosmic ledger. It's a community of star-chasers, cosmic dreamers, and space cat aficionados. Our value proposition extends beyond pixels and tokens:

  • Cosmic Kinship: We're not just collectors; we're pioneers. Together, we explore the blockchain frontier, guided by the constellations of creativity and camaraderie.
  • Community-Driven: Our cosmic council—the dePioneers community—shapes our trajectory. Proposals, cosmic debates, and stardust-fueled decisions propel us forward.
  • Cosmic Artifacts: Our NFTs are cosmic artifacts, precious and scarce, ready to be passed on to the next generation.

The Cosmic Odyssey Commences

As the space cats roam the blockchain, remember: dePioneers isn't just a project; it's a cosmic odyssey. Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or a fledgling astronaut, your destiny is bound together with like-minded explorers.

The stars await, and as you gaze upon your NFT, remember: you're not just a collector; you're a celestial voyager, charting constellations and leaving pawprints on the fabric of the blockchain.

So, fellow pioneers, fasten your seatbelts, help us grow the dePie and be the protector of your cosmic digital asset. The next chapter unfolds among the binary constellations.

Disclaimer: The metaphors used in this paper are purely astronomical and not legally binding. Consult the terms and conditions for precise legalese and calculations.

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